Component | Minimum | Recommended |
Processor | 1 GHz clock rate IA-32 or x86-64 architecture Support for PAE, NX andSSE2 | x86-64 architecture with support for double-width compare and exchange (CMPXCHG16B) CPU instruction,PrefetchW and LAHF/SAHF |
Memory (RAM) | IA-32 edition: 1 GB x86-64 edition: 2 GB | 4 GB |
Graphics card | DirectX 9 graphics device WDDM 1.0 or higher driver | WDDM 1.3 or higher driver |
Display screen | 800×600 pixels | 1024×768 pixels |
Input device | Keyboard and mouse | Multi-touch display Ctrl, Alt and Windows keys or their other hardware equivalents |
Hard disk space | IA-32 edition: 16 GB x86-64 edition: 20 GB | N/A |